Posts Tagged ‘Being Corey B’

“Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream.” -Colin Powell

That’s real talk right there… I meant to get this posted the other day but it just didn’t happen… My apologies to those who were anticipating it and thanks to all who have stayed tuned in…

Let’s get down to it…

Who is you surround yourself with is so much more important than people tend to understand. I have literally posted things before about people minding their circle, and these were not always received well. People made comments about me being superficial or only carrying about money or not having my priorities right… This is all laughable to me.
The kicker was those who were so quick to defend their station in life stating things like “material possessions aren’t important to me” or “I’m happy with my friends and don’t need more out of life as I have all I want”

Those are cute “Hallmark” answers but they’re all meaningless. If they were true, they wouldn’t need to be said. There are many things in life that must be explained but lots of things shouldn’t have to be and when they are, they tend be explained just as a sense of overcompensation for a need of validity. Or just because the particular individual needs to reassure (or lie to) themselves. It is sad to see such a lack of self awareness but it is a common situation.

It is human nature to to correct the cognitive dissonance one has in their own mind by continuing to try to convince themselves that what they have is what they want….obviously.

So, we’ll move on from that for now… I can divulge more on that in a later blog.

Tonight, I want to give some tips on your circle. Of course there are people in our lives that have just happened to be there out of convenience…. a college friend, an old co-worker, a random acquaintance… People that otherwise you may have little even in common with, but they tend to stay there just because they have been there for so long. This is not a bad thing… It is a part of life. The problem is when this becomes the norm. When all of your primary circle are merely people who have positioned themselves there only by accident and with no intention of growth.

This is where things may begin to touch a nerve with some of you…if it does, GOOD. You are obviously the one I am speaking to.

Your circle should begin to become smaller as you grow older and wiser…but not just smaller, but should begin to be a circle with intent. You should be positioning yourself in a spot with those around you who want to lift you up and propel you forward, not those who wish to stifle you because you are different. Those in my main circle may not all think like me or have similar goals in their lives but what they do have is an unending level of support for me and where I am going. Some of them are going to give all they can to help me get where I’m going. Some are going to join me on my journey. The others may not be on a similar path as me, but they have my back, one hundred, and will always support me. That is the way it should be, and you could ask any one of them, they all know with out question, that I will ride with them to the end and beyond.

I bring something to the table with them and they all know that we in it together. I am a firm believer that God did not out us here to walk this world alone… He had intention and that intention involved community. But who is in that community is where I get a little more particular about the situation. You have to be mindful about who you surround yourself with.

So to end back at the quote from the beginning, those who are intended for your circle are those who will help push you towards more than you ever thought you would be going after while others… will smother and crush your spirit and motivation towards all the greatness that you are heading towards. Some will do it because they can’t understand what you are going after and others are bitter about their own situation…

No matter the reason or even if it is subconscious, they aren’t the problem because they aren’t in control. You are, and you choose to allow them to push you forward or break you down.

I find myself in this late hour trying to contemplate what has brought me here and what ever shall I speak on as I feel I have this inner desire to write, but am unsure of where it is going at this point… Stay with and pay close attention as it may get a little convoluted.

As Colton, my youngest has spent the last 3 day running fever and coughing uncontrollably, I have attempted in all my efforts to be a good daddy and be at his side. He is only six and such a warrior that he takes very little if any medicine. He is like his grandma, my Mom who was a soldier the likes of which this world had never seen. So fierce and strong for which pain did not hurt…not because pain wasn’t real, but rather she had mind-control over her pain like a green-beret or the fiercest of marines. I look at Colton and know she would be so proud. He is soldier and a warrior just like her. Just like her, he is an inspiration to me all the time… but I digress…. just bragging about my amazing boy.

So, I have found myself trying to be here for him and also keeping a close eye on him while he sleeps as he has struggled with coughing fits… and made time to play and hang out with Corey II who is 7. Just my luck that Kimberly has been stacked up with work…they are short nurses and she has been working an insane amount of hours… the last two days she has pulled between 12-13 hours and then today, she worked over 15…

It has been quite the week to say the least. I find myself running on the littlest of fumes have slept less than 6 hours in the last 95 hours… and now after having a drank a couple of Nos throughout the day and then sitting down to fill a few orders while I watch my little boys doze off in the living room where I can work yet keep a close eye while they sleep, I sat and had a nice long discussion my brotha from anotha motha…

Amidst trading, filling orders, watching my boys, we dove into where we really were with some things…. I also just finished finished a bottle of wine while on mere moments of sleep… I know that I was truly insightful. This is something I recommend to you all on a more regular basis and by “you all”, I also refer to myself as making time for you and your Fam to truly reflect on things and discuss, you give such opportunity for room to grow and learn from each other as well as build one another up. God did not put us here to walk alone. We are here together… You’ve got to find your die or die homies that will take it to the mat for you every day. Once you have found them, which I promise will be few… you’ve got to always be 100 with them… nothing but honest all the time and allow them the same freedom with you. We need that freedom and need to hear what they have to lay down also. We have to keep each other in check.

We all have flaws and are broken at times… Be open to your own brokenness and not just allow but encourage them to help decipher your shortcomings. They also need to be there to elevate you and propel you forward as you must also do for them.

People have always told me that I am such a positive person but the things is that I am aware of many of my faults and don’t allow them to break me.. I just work on them. I am also very well aware of all the blessings in my life so dwelling on how life has fallen short or hasn’t turned out this way or that just seems silly to me. It isn’t positive, it is realistic. I am blessed, and I know it!

Count your blessings and share them with those around you.

It is an ideology that is so frequently never even contemplated… People continue to reach for something, maybe something not too big… Maybe something that may even seem big, but something that at the core appears to be something of such simplicity, that why can it not be attained…

Well, there in lies the challenge. The acceptance that it can not be attained. First, we must stop accepting that things can not be attained and then we must propel ourselves forward towards greatness…

And that is the second key, …Greatness. Stop attempting to settle for such a simplistic idea when you can reach out and grab onto so much more. Take a moment to really think about that one. If you can think bigger, you can have bigger, and that bigger can likely encompass what you used to feel was so simple and yet you were being denied…It can all be yours.

Stop holding yourself back. It is all there for you. You must be willing to reach out and grab it! Think bigger.

Get Cocky

Down but not out…

Posted: January 27, 2021 in Corey B.
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It has been more than a minute since my last post… I got nothing but love and respect for all of my loyal followers out there and appreciate your support through everything we have been going through.

Your boy contracted COVIC back in July… it hit your boy hard and knocked me out of commission for about 8 1/2 weeks which those who know me, know that ain’t like me at all. I had a wide spectrum of symptoms unlike anything I have ever felt before. It had high blood pressure, running fever for days, no appetite, vomiting, coughing fits, pouring sweat, my stomach swelled up like I was 9 months pregnant for several days…which if you don’t know me, I weigh about 160 lbs… I am not a big guy… the list truly goes on and on. It was unpleasant. After everything that I felt and having Kimberly and our boys contract the virus as well, still more than 6 moths later, I am still not one hundred… I haven’t been right since then. I still have fatigue, coughing fits when I eat, shortness of breathe, and even hair loss which I am told is an after effect due mostly to the stress of the virus. I almost thought that was weird until I noticed that as my hair was falling out in clumps, new hair was actually growing in it’s place… This has been one of the weirdest experiences of my life and I am still dealing with it today.

I only say these things to give perspective, I have had to try to get back to work to earn for my family as well as try to re-engage my business that was thriving amidst this pandemic but that I had left stagnant from over 2 months while I tried to recover. I have also tried to get back to re-engaging with my church and assisting in hosting services live online in addition to getting back to things with my boys getting back to school, posting more content on my Instagram account as well as my Youtube channel… which all of these things has left my blog lacking… So, with all of that being said, I just want you all to know, that I am still not myself but have a serious drive and passion for what I do and love all of you who have been here with me. Know that I am not done and I’ve got so much more coming. Life has tried to get the best of your boy but I won’t be broken. I will rise up and conquer all that stands in my way… Thank you all again for your loyalty. I’ve got so much more coming. Stay tuned for what’s next.

So… This is actually not new… I wrote and published this in a different blog about 6 years ago… only 5 and a half short months after our oldest son was born… I find it just as relevant today as it was then…maybe even more so. Enjoy…

So last night I was reading this article which really got to me just a bit especially having similar topic content to my most recent blog “Smell the Roses.”

So…up in NYC, there is this restaurant that was quite popular and has been there for years but as of recently they began to receive bad reviews. They felt as though business had been steady over the last 10 years and not much has changed. Why are they just now receiving bad reviews after a decade of good reviews. They couldn’t figure it. They even hired new staff to try to compensate for the reviews claiming they were too slow. They eventually hired an investigator to help them get to the bottom of the problem. Get this…10 years ago they had these old Sony systems that recorded their surveillance on tapes. They are now upgraded to digital. By sheer luck, they had the old systems in storage and each of the 4 systems had the last tape still in them. The investigator reviewed the tapes from July 1, 2004, taking notes and comparing the details to the digital recordings from July 3, 2014 which was almost the exact same volume. As he calculated everything, he noticed that it took on average 1:05 from time of arrival to time of departure in 2004 and 1:55 in 2014. When he looked at all the little details, it took on average the same amount of time for them to be greeted at the door, the same amount of time for them to be brought appetizers, same for their meal, their check, and so on….so what was accounting for the difference in time…The people in 2014 all had smart phones. Many of the customers wanted to take photos with their food or have the server take a group photo which they had to review and then take again to get it right. Several wanted to show the  server something on their phone. And several of them either did bump into or nearly bumped into someone as they walked out because they were busy staring at their phone.

In the end, the restaurant is giving the same quality of service as it always has but the customers are now so distracted that they do not even notice and then are displeased when they see the clock after having left. This is outrageous.

What has our society come to? I have been there on a special occasion and taken a photo before at a restaurant so I am not pointing the finger without pointing four back at myself but I can say in my defense that my lovely wife has helped me change so much for the better. Let me clarify that she has not intentionally changed me….I had to say that before I received angry comments. lol
My lovely wife having entered into my life has shown me there is so much more precious things in life and time should not be wasted having been attached to one’s phone. Those beautiful precious moments are lost never to be seen again. Take a tip from me and put that phone in the glove box the next time you go into a restaurant and embrace those moments. I promise you that you will not miss your phone. It will be waiting for you and nothing is going to be so pressing that it cannot wait until you are finished with your meal. Having left your phone aside you will have no distractions to take your eyes off of your beautiful wife’s eyes except for the moment when your little one pours his beverage in his lap…and each of those moments should not be missed. You will treasure them forever.

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple ponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple preponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.