Posts Tagged ‘Corey B.’

I hope you’re ready for some tough love…

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” 1 Corinthians 13

Take a moment to marinate on what you see on social media amongst your nieces, nephews, your own children, …ultimately, the younger generation. There is a solid reason why may of you choose to not follow them or they choose not follow you. It is not a lack of love and desire to be distant. It is about a gap in age groups which also should offer a gap in maturity, It is true, it happens. You don’t want to be on there with the younger teenagers venting and complaining about how hard life is when they have truly not even yet experienced life…am I right?…You know I am.

Now, take a moment to marinate on what your peers are posting, your brothers, sisters, friends, coworkers, and even yourself…

At this point, is it really much different than the younger generation? Sad to say, it rarely is. Social media has become flooded with nonsense and complaining about life and problems. Yes, life has problems…that will never change. If you got it in your head that life would be easy, so sad how misguided you have been. And for all my fellow Christians out there with this idea that the Christians are being attacked and persecuted…This has truly gotten out of hand…not only are they not nearly as persecuted as they once were, but if you are well read in the Bible, you should be aware that being a Christian was never said to be easy… Just ask Peter. But taking things to the level that we sit and complain and bicker and attack one another on social media when we are so bold and brave behind a keyboard is not hwta God intended for us. That is not serving Him.

“Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” Psalm 55:22

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.” Isaiah 41:10

Getting on social media whether you are a Christian or not and venting all of your problems is not the way… unless you are 15…. That is what you do when you are a child. It is time to grow up and get past all of this. Sadly, I look at some of my family members who happen to be in the younger generation and they are not posting all the whining… It is coming more from the older crowd than the younger which is just so sad.

Let’s take an opportunity to allow ourselves to marinate with our thoughts and then try counting our blessings before we begin to get online and vent and point fingers. It just doesn’t do any good doing things that way.

It is an ideology that is so frequently never even contemplated… People continue to reach for something, maybe something not too big… Maybe something that may even seem big, but something that at the core appears to be something of such simplicity, that why can it not be attained…

Well, there in lies the challenge. The acceptance that it can not be attained. First, we must stop accepting that things can not be attained and then we must propel ourselves forward towards greatness…

And that is the second key, …Greatness. Stop attempting to settle for such a simplistic idea when you can reach out and grab onto so much more. Take a moment to really think about that one. If you can think bigger, you can have bigger, and that bigger can likely encompass what you used to feel was so simple and yet you were being denied…It can all be yours.

Stop holding yourself back. It is all there for you. You must be willing to reach out and grab it! Think bigger.

Get Cocky

Sometimes, we just need to talk to someone new…someone we may have not spoken to in a while… just to get fresh insight, to get things poppin’.
See, your boy like to keep things fresh, but I also love to keep things movin’.
I always say if you’re sitting still, then you’re doing it wrong. Are you with me? Are you ready? Are you motivated?…
If you aren’t, maybe the problem lies within you… and you only need a new perspective to help get it out.
You just need that fresh vibe… I encourage you to reach out to an old friend, a cousin, one of you homies from back in the day or maybe engage someone new, someone who may be a colleague or someone you encounter on the regular but never realized that they may be the missing puzzle piece to unlock what you’ve been trying to get out.

I feel as though I have been revitalized and motivated in a new direction as of late… I hope you still ridin’ with your boy

Things are about to blow up… Let’s get there

So… This is actually not new… I wrote and published this in a different blog about 6 years ago… only 5 and a half short months after our oldest son was born… I find it just as relevant today as it was then…maybe even more so. Enjoy…

So last night I was reading this article which really got to me just a bit especially having similar topic content to my most recent blog “Smell the Roses.”

So…up in NYC, there is this restaurant that was quite popular and has been there for years but as of recently they began to receive bad reviews. They felt as though business had been steady over the last 10 years and not much has changed. Why are they just now receiving bad reviews after a decade of good reviews. They couldn’t figure it. They even hired new staff to try to compensate for the reviews claiming they were too slow. They eventually hired an investigator to help them get to the bottom of the problem. Get this…10 years ago they had these old Sony systems that recorded their surveillance on tapes. They are now upgraded to digital. By sheer luck, they had the old systems in storage and each of the 4 systems had the last tape still in them. The investigator reviewed the tapes from July 1, 2004, taking notes and comparing the details to the digital recordings from July 3, 2014 which was almost the exact same volume. As he calculated everything, he noticed that it took on average 1:05 from time of arrival to time of departure in 2004 and 1:55 in 2014. When he looked at all the little details, it took on average the same amount of time for them to be greeted at the door, the same amount of time for them to be brought appetizers, same for their meal, their check, and so on….so what was accounting for the difference in time…The people in 2014 all had smart phones. Many of the customers wanted to take photos with their food or have the server take a group photo which they had to review and then take again to get it right. Several wanted to show the  server something on their phone. And several of them either did bump into or nearly bumped into someone as they walked out because they were busy staring at their phone.

In the end, the restaurant is giving the same quality of service as it always has but the customers are now so distracted that they do not even notice and then are displeased when they see the clock after having left. This is outrageous.

What has our society come to? I have been there on a special occasion and taken a photo before at a restaurant so I am not pointing the finger without pointing four back at myself but I can say in my defense that my lovely wife has helped me change so much for the better. Let me clarify that she has not intentionally changed me….I had to say that before I received angry comments. lol
My lovely wife having entered into my life has shown me there is so much more precious things in life and time should not be wasted having been attached to one’s phone. Those beautiful precious moments are lost never to be seen again. Take a tip from me and put that phone in the glove box the next time you go into a restaurant and embrace those moments. I promise you that you will not miss your phone. It will be waiting for you and nothing is going to be so pressing that it cannot wait until you are finished with your meal. Having left your phone aside you will have no distractions to take your eyes off of your beautiful wife’s eyes except for the moment when your little one pours his beverage in his lap…and each of those moments should not be missed. You will treasure them forever.

Lately I have been encouraging people to really utilize these moments in which they have been sent home from their jobs, and we are being quarantined and expected to stay home to keep interactions down and reduce the spread of the virus.

I am of the mentality that these moments are not moments that should be taken lightly or wasted at all.

These are the moments in which, we need to find ourselves excelling; these are those that test our true nature and our abilities. They really bring out one’s character. We will not allow these moments to break but rather have them thrust us towards our success.

This is an opportunity for you to be growing and developing that business idea that you have had for some time now but never really thought you had the time to really get it going… you never really thought you could commit to something like that. You have nothing but time right now….with no end in sight, at least not a concrete one.

In order to get a business started and really growing, most often, you need a bank roll to help launch it…whatever it may be. You will need some cashflow. Typical recommendation is to grow your business before you quit your job, but some of us have been sent home or released due to circumstance… most of which are not receiving pay. This is unfortunate, but all the more reason that you have the utmost motivation to succeed.

Right now is perfect time to clean out the closet, the attic, the garage… see what you have that is a waste of space… things you have grown out of or moved on from and may have forgotten they were still there. You can list these things easily on eBay or Facebook marketplace. I have a friend who just started doing this and generated over $1,000. I have made a few hundred dollars on Facebook marketplace alone the last two weeks amidst the warning for people to stay in and stay home. I had gotten rid of an old storage unit I had been holding mostly for my daughter and decided that I wanted to save that money and realized I had began putting somethings in there that we could list on Facebook.

It didn’t take much… I dusted some things off and took some pictures with my phone really quick….nothing fancy… I gave a thorough description and listed it. Took no time before people began contacting me. Amidst the quarantine warning, some people have requested to leave the cash under the door mat and pick the item up off the porch and others requested I bring it to their car… most people were just still inclined to shop although they can not leave the house. Them not being able to leave the house has probably just stimulated their mind in such a way that they are looking for things to do and re-do in their house which propels them to shop. This is an opportune moment. Capitalize!! Do it NOW

You truly have no time to waste and nothing to lose… If you generate enough money this way, you will likely be able to fund the launch of your new business.

A hustler truly capitalizes on every opportunity.. Don’t be one of the many that allow this to slip by them. Be a HUSTLER

The other night I was rejuvenated and revived with inspiration… I twas such a strange feeling because it was a moment in which I felt myself break and become inspired and driven all over again in new direction…

The Lord works in such mysterious ways… We never fully see what he is doing until it has been done and sometimes even then, we are still uncertain. The one things you can be sure of in retrospect is you can see God’s hand on your life even if you don’t understand what He is doing.

I have had conflicts over why family members are absent while others are present…even in this, God is at work… (I will leave that for another day)

It was this past week when my Aunt Yvonne reached out to me because she happened to be in Austin where I live but she doesn’t…. She happened to be here to watch a premiere of a new Christian movie that wasn’t opening at the theater till Friday… She let me know they had seats available still and were hoping to fill them for such an event… She reached out so me and the boys could attend with her.

It was a really powerful film about God’s miracles and the way he moves in people’s lives… If you have the chance, you should go see, ‘I Still Believe’ which is the true story of Jeremy Camp.

After everything that has happened in my family over the last few years, this hit me in a special way. Kimberly lost her Daddy, I lost my Mom…the boys have learned to understand the loss of Pawpaw and Grandma at such a young age… and they were so close… especially Corey II & Grandma. We have seen many financial challenges with me and my wife’s businesses as well as things just seeming stacked against us at times… From shortly after we got married, we had plans in motion to be able to help our parents and all of our steps were towards those goals. Without her Daddy & my Mom, it seemed to change everything and we had never been so uncertain of what we were shooting for anymore. Our drive had for so long, been in that direction, and we began to feel lost in our mission. This caused so many feelings that are even hard to wrap our heads around.

Watching this film and sitting with my Aunt Yvonne knowing how she has always been there for us and been a champion for me even when I was young. She has always made me feel believed in… a lot like my Mom, she was such a powerful Christian and a believer in building people up to see all the things they can do. My Mom was always my hugest fan…  There was a long time when I wasn’t sure I was deserving of the praise she gave and her enormous confidence in I could do anything. I was her hero…she told me on so many occasions that she wanted to grow up to be like me… I always laughed, but she didn’t.

Mom new my potential and knew God had plans for me. She was my strength! She helped me to be a better soldier for God. She taught the power of God’s Word. She taught me we don’t always have to get it right or be anywhere near perfect. We have to strive for the best we can in everything we do; God will take care of the rest.

I now have Kimberly and our boys to give me strength and drive me to be a better man and a stronger soldier. God is our strength, but He did not intend for us to walk alone and that is why there are so many of us here walking the earth. We are meant to lift each other up and propel one another towards greater heights and towards the Kingdom.

Thank you Mom…. I am still learning more and more from you everyday. I miss you so much and love you completely!!! I couldn’t have asked for a better Mommy ever… You are amazing!!! You have made me the man I am today…given me the strength and the encouragement to grow and always seek more…where I am is never enough. God has more for me!!

And thank you, Aunt Yvonne for your continued support and being a strong Christian influence whom I can share and grow with. So proud of you and all the growth in your life…you are an inspiration!!

We get exactly what what we need; God knows what He is doing!

I needed to have that moment with my boys and family watching that film. Corey II enjoyed it as well and is so excited to take Mommy to see it…
It was exactly what I needed at that moment; it reignited my inspiration and lit a fire in my soul… Stay tuned… I’ve got so much coming your way

So, I see all these people on IG posting these ‘day’ photos in which they continue to count their days…”Day 5 of the new year”…”Day 8 of the new year”…. “Day 9, 2020″…. Some of them, I observe them also posting their progress with their resolution or something like that… progress of their fitness/health plan, or progress in their business…

Unfortunately, some of them aren’t really doing anything like that at all…they are simply counting days. Your IG account is your account and you can post whatever you want, but if you want people to care, post content that matters. Progress matters… it inspires, it motivates, it is your own personal accountability… something…

Anything is better than nothing, and just a count of the day, is the equivalent of nothing.

I’m just keepin’ it real. Some of you, and you know who you are, needed to hear this.

In business such as life, you’ve got to be willing to spit the truth… No need for frost and sugar coating things… Just tell it how it is. This has been a pet peeve of mine for years, a large part I attribute to Mom. But dishonesty to me is just cowardly and frustrating. On top of that, it takes work to keep up with. The best lie is always closest to the truth because you don’t forget the truth… Maybe you should stick with the truth…. Just sayin’

Many people for some reason struggle with this… doesn’t make sense to me.

Just call it how it is… especially in business; it just saves time and helps to get everyone where they want and need to be so much faster without wasting so much time and effort.

I deal with people all the time that just want to beat around the bush. You ask them a financial question or about scheduling details or steps in the so-called plan… To me, these are critical points to which beating around the bush only eats up valuable time hinders the overall progress of the business. Just get it out. Sometimes, with the fear of displeasing their partners or business associates, they hesitate to put it all out there as if it will somehow change why they are stalling. Trust me, it won’t!!

Just put it out there already so it can be dealt with appropriately and in a timely manner. The quicker that you get real about it, the quicker the conflict, deficit, or just overall shortcoming can be overcame or resolved.

Let’s get it done. Don’t be afraid… Just own it and build from where you are.

Yesterday I posted and kept y’all up to date with my thoughts and a play-by-play of my day…not exactly but I did well document my day in a way that was pleasing to me and I hope gave you some insight.

Although, I have no expectation of you to have done the same nor would it be reasonable of me to request such a thing, but what I will ask of you is, what have you done since midnight?

I, in no way, need a run down nor do you owe it to me, but you do owe it to yourself.

It is time to start holding yourself accountable for your time and your productivity. It is a new year and a new opportunity….every day is a new opportunity to do something different, but many of us are motivated to start in the new year doing something new, different, or better for ourselves…. Take that motivation and run with it. Get motivated. Get Cocky!

Your time is now…. There is no time like the present and you need to reach for more in your life and in your business.

You need some help, some guidance, or maybe just new perspective, hit your boy, Corey B. up, and I will happily help you get where you need to go.

You have such a bright future ahead of you if you are willing to take hold of where you are and where you are going… Are you ready?

Get ready and get there already…

Be accountable for your time and how you are spending it to get started and be on the right track in 2020.

And be sure to Subscribe with the button on the left or below to ensure you get all you can from my blog. Also look up Corey Bayless on YouTube for some more excellent content.

Till next time my friends, stay on it and Get Cocky.

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple ponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple preponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.