Archive for the ‘Stimulating Thought’ Category

So… This is actually not new… I wrote and published this in a different blog about 6 years ago… only 5 and a half short months after our oldest son was born… I find it just as relevant today as it was then…maybe even more so. Enjoy…

So last night I was reading this article which really got to me just a bit especially having similar topic content to my most recent blog “Smell the Roses.”

So…up in NYC, there is this restaurant that was quite popular and has been there for years but as of recently they began to receive bad reviews. They felt as though business had been steady over the last 10 years and not much has changed. Why are they just now receiving bad reviews after a decade of good reviews. They couldn’t figure it. They even hired new staff to try to compensate for the reviews claiming they were too slow. They eventually hired an investigator to help them get to the bottom of the problem. Get this…10 years ago they had these old Sony systems that recorded their surveillance on tapes. They are now upgraded to digital. By sheer luck, they had the old systems in storage and each of the 4 systems had the last tape still in them. The investigator reviewed the tapes from July 1, 2004, taking notes and comparing the details to the digital recordings from July 3, 2014 which was almost the exact same volume. As he calculated everything, he noticed that it took on average 1:05 from time of arrival to time of departure in 2004 and 1:55 in 2014. When he looked at all the little details, it took on average the same amount of time for them to be greeted at the door, the same amount of time for them to be brought appetizers, same for their meal, their check, and so on….so what was accounting for the difference in time…The people in 2014 all had smart phones. Many of the customers wanted to take photos with their food or have the server take a group photo which they had to review and then take again to get it right. Several wanted to show the  server something on their phone. And several of them either did bump into or nearly bumped into someone as they walked out because they were busy staring at their phone.

In the end, the restaurant is giving the same quality of service as it always has but the customers are now so distracted that they do not even notice and then are displeased when they see the clock after having left. This is outrageous.

What has our society come to? I have been there on a special occasion and taken a photo before at a restaurant so I am not pointing the finger without pointing four back at myself but I can say in my defense that my lovely wife has helped me change so much for the better. Let me clarify that she has not intentionally changed me….I had to say that before I received angry comments. lol
My lovely wife having entered into my life has shown me there is so much more precious things in life and time should not be wasted having been attached to one’s phone. Those beautiful precious moments are lost never to be seen again. Take a tip from me and put that phone in the glove box the next time you go into a restaurant and embrace those moments. I promise you that you will not miss your phone. It will be waiting for you and nothing is going to be so pressing that it cannot wait until you are finished with your meal. Having left your phone aside you will have no distractions to take your eyes off of your beautiful wife’s eyes except for the moment when your little one pours his beverage in his lap…and each of those moments should not be missed. You will treasure them forever.

Now, I want to I say all I say with the utmost respect for all those who have fallen ill or have died from this horrible virus… I say all I say not with insensitivity but rather with with conviction as this is a time for us to rise up and reach for more.

This virus is but a virus… and this but a mere moment which is only a glimpse in the span of our lives… If it were not blown out of proportion, it would be so much more easily forgotten… I wish not for it to be a moment that is forgotten. I also do not wish for it to be remembered as the moment when we were succumbed to panic based on the media or the silly things being posted across social media…

I desire for this to be the moment in which we remember rising up and overcome the moment. I want this to be the moment we can look back and say that was the turning point for my business, for my family, for my life.

The power is in your hands…let’s make this moment of reckoning…the time in which we took charge of things in our lives and in our businesses. We have a choice to be made. Will we look at this virus as a set back and allow it to disrupt our lives and slow down our progress, or will we take this opportunity and see it as set up to reach for something greater? I can tell you about it but I can’t make the choice for you. You have got to make the choice for your self.

Some of us are being sent home without pay while few others may be receiving pay but are still being sent home to be quarantined with the family. This is an opportunity for you to build something more. You have the chance to really think and devise that plan you have marinated on for some time now. This is the chance to really take a chance and grow and develop that business or even just a side hustle that you have pondered for some time now yet always found some excuse to not get it up and going… The excuses have been stripped from you; you have nothing but time and opportunity.

Let’s also take this time to reach out to one another… Let’s reach out in moral and emotional support… Lift one another up. Give regular encouragement as there is plenty of success to go around, but there isn’t enough encouragement.

This time is ours… it will not break us. Let’s show the world and ourselves just what we’re made of!

Get Cocky


The other night I was rejuvenated and revived with inspiration… I twas such a strange feeling because it was a moment in which I felt myself break and become inspired and driven all over again in new direction…

The Lord works in such mysterious ways… We never fully see what he is doing until it has been done and sometimes even then, we are still uncertain. The one things you can be sure of in retrospect is you can see God’s hand on your life even if you don’t understand what He is doing.

I have had conflicts over why family members are absent while others are present…even in this, God is at work… (I will leave that for another day)

It was this past week when my Aunt Yvonne reached out to me because she happened to be in Austin where I live but she doesn’t…. She happened to be here to watch a premiere of a new Christian movie that wasn’t opening at the theater till Friday… She let me know they had seats available still and were hoping to fill them for such an event… She reached out so me and the boys could attend with her.

It was a really powerful film about God’s miracles and the way he moves in people’s lives… If you have the chance, you should go see, ‘I Still Believe’ which is the true story of Jeremy Camp.

After everything that has happened in my family over the last few years, this hit me in a special way. Kimberly lost her Daddy, I lost my Mom…the boys have learned to understand the loss of Pawpaw and Grandma at such a young age… and they were so close… especially Corey II & Grandma. We have seen many financial challenges with me and my wife’s businesses as well as things just seeming stacked against us at times… From shortly after we got married, we had plans in motion to be able to help our parents and all of our steps were towards those goals. Without her Daddy & my Mom, it seemed to change everything and we had never been so uncertain of what we were shooting for anymore. Our drive had for so long, been in that direction, and we began to feel lost in our mission. This caused so many feelings that are even hard to wrap our heads around.

Watching this film and sitting with my Aunt Yvonne knowing how she has always been there for us and been a champion for me even when I was young. She has always made me feel believed in… a lot like my Mom, she was such a powerful Christian and a believer in building people up to see all the things they can do. My Mom was always my hugest fan…  There was a long time when I wasn’t sure I was deserving of the praise she gave and her enormous confidence in I could do anything. I was her hero…she told me on so many occasions that she wanted to grow up to be like me… I always laughed, but she didn’t.

Mom new my potential and knew God had plans for me. She was my strength! She helped me to be a better soldier for God. She taught the power of God’s Word. She taught me we don’t always have to get it right or be anywhere near perfect. We have to strive for the best we can in everything we do; God will take care of the rest.

I now have Kimberly and our boys to give me strength and drive me to be a better man and a stronger soldier. God is our strength, but He did not intend for us to walk alone and that is why there are so many of us here walking the earth. We are meant to lift each other up and propel one another towards greater heights and towards the Kingdom.

Thank you Mom…. I am still learning more and more from you everyday. I miss you so much and love you completely!!! I couldn’t have asked for a better Mommy ever… You are amazing!!! You have made me the man I am today…given me the strength and the encouragement to grow and always seek more…where I am is never enough. God has more for me!!

And thank you, Aunt Yvonne for your continued support and being a strong Christian influence whom I can share and grow with. So proud of you and all the growth in your life…you are an inspiration!!

We get exactly what what we need; God knows what He is doing!

I needed to have that moment with my boys and family watching that film. Corey II enjoyed it as well and is so excited to take Mommy to see it…
It was exactly what I needed at that moment; it reignited my inspiration and lit a fire in my soul… Stay tuned… I’ve got so much coming your way

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple ponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.

Have you ever had the fear of missing something? Something so simple…but maybe not….something you can’t quite put your finger on. It is but a mere moment… not of the moment but in the moment…

To ponder the loss of time and what be said time… We get only one chance…one opportunity for that moment…for that time. There is nothing more….sure there will be more time….but how much…and to what end? It is in that time and in that moment that something may happen and if you are not in that moment, it will pass you by and then what?

You will not get another chance at that moment…not at that time…or that opportunity. It could be nothing that is slipping through your fingers, but….

What if it’s not nothing…? What if instead of nothing, it is something? What if that something is something great?

Something so grand, it can hardly even be contained in the mere moment it has spawned from.

Take a moment and marinate in the moment, embrace it for all that it is. You will never have it again.

Life is but a series of moments…what have you done with yours up till now?

Are you fully embracing this moment? Have you given way to ponder the next moment?

Truth is that we do not have answers to these questions…There isn’t answers to them. These are merely simple preponderances that give way to the curiosity of what might have been and of course what is still to come.

It causes the self-doubt and insecurity in things that have done passed as well as is reminding us of the moments we have embraced and shared.

Know no limits to the potential in a mere moment…

Also, stay out of your own way… do not allow silly thoughts to stifle your moments or steal you away from the next one. These are yours…be sure you are the one in control.

There was a time when I was in college that I had a part time job tutoring math at the community college. I tutored everything from basic mathematics skills to calculus although calculus wasn’t my strongest subject to tutor. I have always been good at math since I was young, but it wasn’t until I got to college and met the most incredible professor I have ever known. His name was Omar, and he just had this special ability to make mathematics crystal clear. During my tutoring sessions, specifically the students who came to me seeking aide in the developmental math classes had this aversion to math. I can’t say that I didn’t understand. Even though for me, growing up, math was my best subject, in my entire life math was only presented fun a few times…for arguments sake, let’s say I could probably count the times it was presented fun on one hand… math was taught to us nearly every day we attended school all through grade school and then sometimes there was patterns to curriculum in middle school and high school, so you may not see it every day…but ultimately that is a lot of math that is rarely approached from any angle other than technical. I am aware that math is very technical and knowing how it functions is important. I am also aware that there are effective ways to approach as I have seen them in action.

Omar was an exceptional professor on so many levels. He put the students at ease when going through the developmental courses by letting them know he struggled all through high school but went on to get his Masters in Mathematics. “If I can do that, you can get through this course,” he said. He always had these fun stories of how formulas were created…when, where, why…under what circumstances was the mathematician when he discovered something new. It was really great because he made math more interactive and allowed a little history to be involved which made the material more relatable than just memorizing formulas…which to be honest is a truthful thing sometimes. Sometimes, you must just memorize, and it will piece together later.

I utilized many stories and tricks for memorization that Omar taught me in my tutoring as well as my own personal life. Even when you are killed at math implementing formulas can be tricky sometime and you forget little things; we all do.

I recall one day at the end of a College Algebra class, a student who was notorious for questioning everything and always took opportunities to express how this was all a waste of his precious time, decided to ask Omar, when will we ever use this… Omar, knowing who this student was and knew he would quickly shoot down any logical answer provide, simply stated, “the state of Texas requires this course for your particular degree; if you wish to get your degree, you will use this to pass this class.” ‘Nuff said.

Some people are so determined that they do not need math, or they are convinced of their lack of ability in this area, that they are closed off to the idea that they can indeed do math. It is a little-known fact and frequently argued concept that math is involved in all things we do. I live in Austin, Tx which is a very musical city to all of you who are unfamiliar… I know many musicians, several of which believe they are no good at math although they write music. I have had many discussions expressing that if they are writing music, they are using math even if they do not realize it.

The key for many of you out there building your business are growing as an entrepreneur is that math is so critically vital to a business owner. You must know the logistics of what you are building and be able to spout the numbers of your business off with little thought. You must be that involved in the development and growth of your business that you ‘KNOW’ those numbers… but knowing is much more than being able to recite them. Anyone can memorize numbers and list them off; you must be able to understand what they mean and how to apply them. You must know the ins and outs of your finances. The eb and flow of your cash flow is so vital to your success. There are so many people with incredible skills that fell short and their business crumbled because of lack of mathematics in their efforts. They trusted someone else to know or just believed that money was coming in so no need to analyze the details… this is so far from true. Money is coming and yes, your business may be growing, but do you know what your next step is? Do you know where it should be going from here. Maybe you have ideas but without proper analytics of your finances, you can’t make accurate decisions. This can make the difference between your success and your failure.

You need to understand your taxes and make sure you are keeping yourself protected and within the bounds of the law. You can, of course, hire an accountant to crunch the numbers for you especially as your company grows…that is a lot of time that ultimately shouldn’t be spent by you if you are needed elsewhere, but you need to understand how it works and be able to go over what they have done and know your money is in the right place and well attended to.

You need to be able to formulate a budget for maintaining your company as well as the growth of your business and the potential expansion into new business ventures. If you aren’t careful and managing your funds properly, new business ventures can destroy the viable business you already have. These are things you must know and understand.

This is a lot to take in and much of it will be gotten into later in more extensive details… Be sure to stay tuned.

Math is so critically vital and not at all scary. Do not allow math to be your downfall. Utilize it to the greater good of your future success. Math is your friend if you let it be.

What’s the last book you read? How often do you sit and read a book?

This is an important thing… It is frequently an overlooked part of success…

It is important to continue learning and expanding your horizons; it truly never ends. The rich and successful spend more time reading than they do watching television… and I am not referring to random fiction. They are reading things that expand their minds or help them grow in their field of expertise.

It is also important to know that it can be incredibly helpful to read things written by your peers. Doctors, psychologists, scientists and theologians are constantly reading works written by their peers. Sometimes we need to be reminded that this is not only okay, but the best way to broaden your horizons. Sometimes, in business, people allow their pride or ego get in the way of progress. You never want to take someone’s ideas…that is stealing and wrong and will almost never help you; it nearly always blows up in your face. You do not want to waste time and efforts on something like this. But we all get influence in everything we encounter… it is only natural that influence is all around is… it is just a matter of whether we pick up on it.

The idea that it is all around us, as I have expressed many times before, you already have ideas and direction… it is what makes you, you. But there is always room to grow and learn. The most successful people know better than to stop learning and being open to growth. You must be on that level.

The reality is that you may need to adjust your train of thought or maybe there is that little something that you need to know that you may not have been aware of before.
When I was about 22… I was young and eager to learn more and more and grow myself into a business mogul; at the time, I was really open to so many possibilities and always had an interest in real estate because of a small collective of people I knew. My cousin was a realtor and a friend that I had worked with for some time had been flipping houses and was quite good at it. My uncle ran his own business, but it was simply built by him without any investments as his began as a fluke (that is a story for another day). My Mom and Dad had multiple successful and some not so successful businesses as did my grandma. I had another close friend that at the time seemed a lot like me with ambitions of success and was eagerly seeking new opportunities. He knew some things about business and he and I had began working on some business adventures together. Nearly all did fizzle out… (stories for another time…) you do learn from the ones that fail… sometimes more than the successes. Having been under the influence of so many people with what I thought was the right mentality, I felt I had a pretty good base of business knowledge already from a young age… having said that, I was ready to learn more; I wanted to soak up everything like a sponge.
So, I went with a friend to a seminar on real estate thinking I would learn so much… from this particular experience, my friend and I both walked away feeling as though we had missed something… we were aware that we were not yet moguls nor were we successful business men yet. We were just trying to get started, but we felt like we already knew most of the information that was presented at this seminar. We weren’t sure what we were missing, yet we were excited about the one little nugget of info that neither of us at that time knew… Neither of us knew about a ‘hard-money loan’ nor did we have any idea of how such a thing would work. We walked out of their looking shocked that we felt aware of most of the rest of information but were stoked that we both looked to one another and said nearly at the same time, “what about that hard money loan?… Yeah, that’s pretty tight.”

My friend who had been flipping houses for some time now, never did it that way. He had his own system which he shared with me and seemed much more challenging but for him it worked. Him and his wife had a system. Their system worked for them. You will always find new information even if just a small detail… that detail may not be ideal for you, but you have at least expanded your knowledge and some day it could be what you need. Or today, it could be a game changer. You never really know. You must be open to learning. The fact that what you have going works, doesn’t mean there isn’t more out there… something better or more efficient. You may learn that something you were doing just a s a hobby, could really be your future… Be willing to learn.

Pick up a book.

If we are to find ourselves in conflict over thought; allow it to be your thought not someone else’s. When you spend your time in conflict fighting for what you believe in, that is noble and should be respected. When you spend your time in conflict over someone else’s right to appreciate some else, your breathe and words fall on deaf ears, and you make no progress. Spend more time on the idea and less time on the man.
All men are flawed — ideas are where progress is made.

Just stimulating thought…

Far too frequently this question, we find ourselves asking…ourselves… but how often do we actually really think about it? “What are we doing here?”
Well, that could have so many different meanings….most of which don’t come close to the reality of where we need to be delving. With that being said, let’s take a whack at it…
I think I will find myself reevaluating this question again at a later date…but for now, I would like to utilize this particular question to refer to the four letter word that so many of deal with on a daily basis but give not nearly enough thought to… WORK
What are we doing here?….Many of us have a job. What is a job? Well, a place for us to go four, five, six times a week and go through the motions of many tasks that we become accustom to in order to earn the much needed paycheck. This is an entirely underrated thing, as it is what keeps the rest of us complacent with our many much taken for granted luxuries. If we did not have baristas, we would not be able to get our much needed coffee on the way to our work…we would have to actually wake up in the morning a little early and make our own…and then it just wouldn’t even be quite as good…or would it. Now, as I previously mentioned, all of these jobs are important (maybe not to you…but to someone). While a barista is a quite an important job to many people who feel they desperately need them in their lives (and who am I to argue their needs)…who many baristas feel that they need the job they are doing opposed to the previously mentioned, paycheck. So, what’s my point… The thing is that we need to take a moment and seek fulfillment in what we do. Wait…scratch that…. it is isn’t fulfillment that we need to seek…that is wrong…but that may be what some may see it as if not just a paycheck. We need to ask ourselves what are we doing here? Are we contributing something to the society around us? Are we actually furthering our own path, whatever that path may be…whether it be spiritual, monetary, or security…is this building towards our future? Are we really doing something that truly suites our passion? Some people truly have a passion for coffee; that is awesome. Let’s take it to the next level for a second…if you have a passion for coffee and are pleased to be a barista serving the beautifully delicious and decadent drink you find so much pleasure in filling your cup with on a daily basis to others and watching as they take that first sip, that is beautiful and good for you. I am happy to know that you have found that…but could there be more? Of course, there could be more.
Does this particular job bring you fulfillment on any other levels? Do you have a future doing what you are doing? I truly hope that you do…especially if you have such a passion for it….all people should be so lucky. Is it financially viable? Is this market that you find yourself in going to be fruitful in the long term? Of course…it;s coffee! Everyone loves coffee and they are loving it more today than they ever did…And you may feel that whatever it is that you do, you can say the same thing…maybe you are right. A job needs to be more than that. You need to be learning a skill or knowledge any level…never rest easily in the spot that you find yourself as that spot may one day cease to exist. You need to never stop seeing the opportunities to grow and achieve more.
I think I have diverted from where I was intending to go initially…but maybe that is my point in this whole rant anyways….where you find yourselves may not be where you intended to be nor may it be where you were meant to be. Don’t settle for where you are no matter how great it may seem. There is always something more out there. Not just in your job…but in everything you do. Be ambitious. Be audacious.
You spend far too many hours at your job every week to allow them to not be propelled by the proper motivations.

On that note…Have a nice day at work.

~Corey B.

how the hell do we get started
lets keep it simple
corey you cant say that
i constantly hear
censorship sucks
i shout in revere
this country is going to hell
can we see what the future holds
is it the children
it should be but is it
well a good question i am posing
but one without an answer
why is there no answer
sadly no one cares
stoners are dumb
teenagers are morons
hippies great but misguided at times
anarchists can be fun
but no future they have
politicians are not perfect
theyre humans i am told
activists typically are phonies
though their causes may be just
support them support them
support if you must
expect nothing to come of it
as i said theyre full of __
now i censor myself
to please the losers that read
as they can not handle
the things in this creed
now i could go on for hours
but to an end i must get
homos are multiplying but how
lesbians think they have power now
rebellious i think not
simply a sad display
of the common corruption
of the youth today
feminists keep singing their anthems
their men bashing politic clashing
never taking heed
to the headlines they read
im so quick to dismiss
youre all pretty useless
piggish men they make me sick
disgusting bastards
their female counter part
the dirty hoochies
poor children without role models
where the hope lies
no one truly knows
tattoos can be colorful
but art is impermanent
families suck but we hold them dear
loss & loneliness is what we fear
money is irrelevant but vital
status is important
but only to thyself
I have bashed on you all
yet love for you i truly do feel
as you are my brothers sisters
friends and companions
without you life is incomplete
for greater than you
i could not compete
i surround myself with greatness
yet find myself alone at times
finish finish finish right now
they scream they scream
the arrogant overweight
the bureaucratic cow
im smart sexy dare i say stupendous
i say what i want whenever i want
i’m everything you can love
& everything you can hate
you take me as i am
or don’t take me at all
im shaken off all the haters
showin love to all my niggas
follow the example i set
to victory i will lead
my lifes an open book
all you need is to read


Posted: September 1, 2012 in Stimulating Thought
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to sit to plan to ponder to outright pontificate the outlandish possibilities the skys the limit there is no end not in sight for we know no bounds we defy laws of physics as everything is physics the mathematical algorithm that makes up our utter insanity is beyond reproach by any mere mortal as the preposterously astronomical conclusion will inevitably be there is no answer or is there the answer is out there or is it or is it so close that it is right here we sit back and ease into our own comfortability yet while still pushing the boundaries of our own existence in an endless effort to bridge this gap between greatness and insanity as those we pass on a daily basis have the potential to be so much more yet limit themselves constantly as they do not see the future nor do they see the possibilities of what could come of their own efforts so we sit and ponder and ponder again and then in drastic efforts take on the huge feat of conquering the injustice of it all and change what is what was and what those think there is to be but not at first because we must wait as we continue to fill our plate with more and more trying ever so effortlessly to prove that we are the kings and gods that our reputations uphold us to be then only sit back for a mere moment to speculate the possibilities of what it is that we are about to partake in this endless battle that we engulf ourselves in whilst watching the plate overflow and then as the shot of adrenaline surges through our veins we feel the course as it tingles throughout our body and in a single glimmer of an instant we notice that we are no longer sitting and the second hand is upon us and time is on our side as we as if not of our own doing possess the time itself and it flows from us at the last possible instant in the very opportune moment the pieces that make up this intricate jigsaw as if meant to by some greater power now fit together ever so tightly yet gently and with only nanoseconds to spare we feel the rush as all is well…victory is ours