Posts Tagged ‘spiritual’

Now, I want to I say all I say with the utmost respect for all those who have fallen ill or have died from this horrible virus… I say all I say not with insensitivity but rather with with conviction as this is a time for us to rise up and reach for more.

This virus is but a virus… and this but a mere moment which is only a glimpse in the span of our lives… If it were not blown out of proportion, it would be so much more easily forgotten… I wish not for it to be a moment that is forgotten. I also do not wish for it to be remembered as the moment when we were succumbed to panic based on the media or the silly things being posted across social media…

I desire for this to be the moment in which we remember rising up and overcome the moment. I want this to be the moment we can look back and say that was the turning point for my business, for my family, for my life.

The power is in your hands…let’s make this moment of reckoning…the time in which we took charge of things in our lives and in our businesses. We have a choice to be made. Will we look at this virus as a set back and allow it to disrupt our lives and slow down our progress, or will we take this opportunity and see it as set up to reach for something greater? I can tell you about it but I can’t make the choice for you. You have got to make the choice for your self.

Some of us are being sent home without pay while few others may be receiving pay but are still being sent home to be quarantined with the family. This is an opportunity for you to build something more. You have the chance to really think and devise that plan you have marinated on for some time now. This is the chance to really take a chance and grow and develop that business or even just a side hustle that you have pondered for some time now yet always found some excuse to not get it up and going… The excuses have been stripped from you; you have nothing but time and opportunity.

Let’s also take this time to reach out to one another… Let’s reach out in moral and emotional support… Lift one another up. Give regular encouragement as there is plenty of success to go around, but there isn’t enough encouragement.

This time is ours… it will not break us. Let’s show the world and ourselves just what we’re made of!

Get Cocky


I am taking this moment and using my platform to speak out about where I am and define a change. I will not be held by my situation but use it to thrust me in a new direction.
As I told you all a couple weeks ago in my last post, I have had my Mom on my mind which has been a bit of a distraction when it comes to my writing. I have found this strange and conflicting. Mom always encouraged me to write and be creative; she loved to write and draw. She was such an amazing woman, and I am so thankful for all she taught and the way she inspired me. She is still inspiring me every day. It is because of the thoughts of her lately that have driven me to take my business in new directions and grow and thrive but for some reason, my writing has suffered…
It has seemed that when I sit to write that my thoughts are either on her and my focus is lost or my thoughts are all over the place keeping me distracted from my writing. That ends today. That is not who she would want me to be. She would want me to grow and thrive…she would want me to express myself. She loved that she was able to do that with her art work. She also wrote songs and played guitar… She has taught me to be inspired by music and the things in this beautiful God given world that surround me. I am so blessed.
I am taking charge and taking control of my thoughts and my attention. Thoughts of Mom will not leave me… They will help me harness control of things and stay laser focused.
Mom always wanted to have everything that she could offer to my brother, sister, and me. She never had desires of being successful in business or have accolades plastered on her wall. Although, she was an accomplished business woman which always drove me to want to be my own boss.
Her accomplishments were us…her babies. That is all she ever wanted to be was a Mommy, and there is no question she was one of the best to have ever walked the planet. I only hope I am a fraction of the amazing parent that she was. Everyone knew how amazing she was…growing up, all our close friends just called her Mom…because that’s how she treated them. She would give them anything they needed; she fed our friends, cared for them, helped them, guided and counseled with them. She was an amazing Mom and friend to everyone she met.
She was proud of our success and wanted us to be successful. We were her success.
I am not going to fall short or fail her now… I know she would never see anything I do as a failure. She would see it as nothing more than a setback… or as my Pastor always says, “a setup” for God’s next big thing. She always thought that way…similar to Pastor. My Pastor Poncho sees all of life’s obstacles as new opportunities for God to Wow His children and show us His love and endless grace and mercy. Mom was the same way…she was a child of God and beyond convinced of her children’s abilities and knew that God was with her babies, and they were going to be great at whatever they did in life.
I know my brother is thriving more now than he has in years, and Mom is his inspiration. I want to be the same way. I want to allow her to continue to encourage me and be my strength. This distraction that I have had lately is done…no more will I allow my own head to get in my way.
Mom, I love you…Thank you for all the inspiration and guidance…you have not even begun to stop teaching me. I am so blessed and thankful that you were my Mommy.
To all who have continued to follow me and stay tuned even amongst the last couple of weeks in which I have had a little drought; I say thank you… You will be glad you have stayed tuned in as I have great new content coming. That is my commitment to you.
For those who have yet to click that button on the left to Follow don’t forget to do it now.
Corey B. is with you all the way. Let’s Get Cocky.

For the last few days, I’ve tried to sit down and write and had to move onto other projects… I just couldn’t get my head in it. My thoughts have been consumed by the longing for my Mom.

For those who don’t already know, I lost my Mom just over a year ago and I was very accustomed to getting to have my daily conversation with her. It was something that had become so important to me. When life got busy and we only had a few moments to chat, we still had those few moments… occasionally she would not be feeling well and not make to the phone and she would endlessly apologize the next day for the time we had lost just chatting with one another… I always tried to reassure her that it was so sill to apologize as she would tell me the same if I had been running all day and not called her until late.

We both felt those moments were so important and were saddened when we missed them; thankfully, it was rare that we actually missed them.

I long for those moments now in ways I can not even put into words. I have lost multiple family members and always knew that Mom would always be there. She had suffered most of her life fight illness that doctors said would take her away from us at a young age. She fought harder than any doctor had ever seen. She was active in athletics with me, my brother, and my sister. She was incredible beyond words.

She fought through everything for us… She would remind us regularly that we were what saved her.

I don’t think I ever truly conveyed to her all she did for me. She was more than my Mom…. From the time I was little, she was the one I could trust in and confide in. She was my biggest fan; she reminded me regularly that I was her hero and one day she would grow up to be like me… little did she know that I just wanted to make her proud. She told me tails of her and Dad and their business ventures which drove me to desires of success and to run my own business one day.

Daily, I tend to my garden with my boys just the way she taught me and gardened with me when I was a little boy. It is so incredibly therapeutic to work in my garden and talk to Mom while I do it… If only she could be here with me… She is always in my heart and inspires all I do.

She sung so beautifully and encouraged us as kids to sing and be joyful and to worship the Lord proudly… She also began teaching my daughter, Mariah to play the guitar… She taught herself to play guitar on her friend’s twelve string steel string guitar when she was younger and loved to play and write music. She had dreams of us playing together for the boys… I was not as quick to pick it up but one day I will be playing great music for the boys as she dreamt we would. She had written songs that I wish I knew…

She always had music on in the house… Linda Ronstadt, Air Supply, Billie Idol, Prince & the Revolution, Boston, Bruce Springsteen Michael Jackson, the Jackson 5… These were just a few of my favorites, but you better believe that the list went on and on.

She encouraged me in all the different music I listened to and attempted to play. She bought me my first keyboard when I was just a kid and got me my first guitar lesson when I was a teenager.

I grew up watching her soaps with her and watching Lifetime movies… we also watched action movies like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon… We really just had fun together… Even when we had no money and things just didn’t line up right for the month, she never let us know. She would make hotdogs and mac and cheese and have us pick movies to watch and we’d have family movie night on Friday night and stay up late… sometimes inviting friends and other times, just family. She made everything in our lives feel special. She made everything fun.

Just like and mom or dad, she made mistakes… as a dad myself, that is something that can not be avoided… mistakes will be made, none of us are perfect. As we grew older, she always held on to her mistakes. She would apologize all the time for not being a good enough mommy. She would ask me if I remembered good times from my childhood. She would ask if I thought she was a good mom when we were younger always reminded her that she was a great mom and I never held onto her mistakes. I never even thought of them until she wanted to talk about them. They didn’t affect me the way she thought they did. To me, I think that is something that caring parents do… I know I always wonder if the mistake I’ve made will affect the boys, but I do not dwell on them or hold onto those thoughts. I made me sad to think my mom held onto them so much.

I wish so much that she knew how much power she gave me. So much confidence she built inside me. As a child, she taught me that the word ‘can’t’ was a bd word; I was not allowed to say. She always told me that I could do anything and to never say the word ‘can’t’.

There is no question, that I am the man she taught me to be. I am Corey B. because this is who my Mom inspired me to be.

This is a huge part of who I am. As I mentioned, I have just had some difficulty writing the last few days, so I had to share this. Maybe it will inspire some of you… I know it helped me.

Thank you for reading.


Posted: September 21, 2012 in Uncategorized
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a never ending battle
a constant crusade
all things with which we’ve been tempted
have all been forbade
desperately seeking to spread the love
the love that was given from our Father above
something so real and pure
for any ailment He is the cure
i’m walking with the King
just listen to the anthem I sing
I stand beaten and broken
you hear not the words i’ve spoken
the time is now
align with me
i’ll show you how
and you shall see
the glory and majesty
of our great King
this being a courtesy
from the depths i bring
i stand loud and proud
with my knuckles bloody
and my face is muddy
i’m still scrappin’
to their sidearm they be strappin’
with a grin and a smirk
i heed their advance
for this moment is more than happen stance
it was written and will come to be
for all the world shall surely see
this fight that’s in me
this everlasting creed
open your eyes and you shall see
it’s not just me that must bleed
i’ve got this pen and pad
from which pours out my soul
i’m a soldier with one goal
to be a mighty warrior
the likes of which has never been seen before
for the young, bound, and sadly unspoken
i stand tall with these chains now broken
take me here
take me now
take me for all i am
and you’ll see how
this storm that brews in the depths of my gut
for when the lights of this world…out they’ve been shut
He’ll light the path to which i must walk
act now no more time for talk
as i lie on the field of battle feeling broken
words fall from my mouth with my lips now open
scrape and grasp…with my fingernails i must claw
as the passersby stand in awe
of Glory and victory i do cry
as the enemy shall presently die
in the end it shall be as it was written
as He said before…let me tell you…WE WIN