Posts Tagged ‘Entrepreneur’

Now, I want to I say all I say with the utmost respect for all those who have fallen ill or have died from this horrible virus… I say all I say not with insensitivity but rather with with conviction as this is a time for us to rise up and reach for more.

This virus is but a virus… and this but a mere moment which is only a glimpse in the span of our lives… If it were not blown out of proportion, it would be so much more easily forgotten… I wish not for it to be a moment that is forgotten. I also do not wish for it to be remembered as the moment when we were succumbed to panic based on the media or the silly things being posted across social media…

I desire for this to be the moment in which we remember rising up and overcome the moment. I want this to be the moment we can look back and say that was the turning point for my business, for my family, for my life.

The power is in your hands…let’s make this moment of reckoning…the time in which we took charge of things in our lives and in our businesses. We have a choice to be made. Will we look at this virus as a set back and allow it to disrupt our lives and slow down our progress, or will we take this opportunity and see it as set up to reach for something greater? I can tell you about it but I can’t make the choice for you. You have got to make the choice for your self.

Some of us are being sent home without pay while few others may be receiving pay but are still being sent home to be quarantined with the family. This is an opportunity for you to build something more. You have the chance to really think and devise that plan you have marinated on for some time now. This is the chance to really take a chance and grow and develop that business or even just a side hustle that you have pondered for some time now yet always found some excuse to not get it up and going… The excuses have been stripped from you; you have nothing but time and opportunity.

Let’s also take this time to reach out to one another… Let’s reach out in moral and emotional support… Lift one another up. Give regular encouragement as there is plenty of success to go around, but there isn’t enough encouragement.

This time is ours… it will not break us. Let’s show the world and ourselves just what we’re made of!

Get Cocky


The other night I was rejuvenated and revived with inspiration… I twas such a strange feeling because it was a moment in which I felt myself break and become inspired and driven all over again in new direction…

The Lord works in such mysterious ways… We never fully see what he is doing until it has been done and sometimes even then, we are still uncertain. The one things you can be sure of in retrospect is you can see God’s hand on your life even if you don’t understand what He is doing.

I have had conflicts over why family members are absent while others are present…even in this, God is at work… (I will leave that for another day)

It was this past week when my Aunt Yvonne reached out to me because she happened to be in Austin where I live but she doesn’t…. She happened to be here to watch a premiere of a new Christian movie that wasn’t opening at the theater till Friday… She let me know they had seats available still and were hoping to fill them for such an event… She reached out so me and the boys could attend with her.

It was a really powerful film about God’s miracles and the way he moves in people’s lives… If you have the chance, you should go see, ‘I Still Believe’ which is the true story of Jeremy Camp.

After everything that has happened in my family over the last few years, this hit me in a special way. Kimberly lost her Daddy, I lost my Mom…the boys have learned to understand the loss of Pawpaw and Grandma at such a young age… and they were so close… especially Corey II & Grandma. We have seen many financial challenges with me and my wife’s businesses as well as things just seeming stacked against us at times… From shortly after we got married, we had plans in motion to be able to help our parents and all of our steps were towards those goals. Without her Daddy & my Mom, it seemed to change everything and we had never been so uncertain of what we were shooting for anymore. Our drive had for so long, been in that direction, and we began to feel lost in our mission. This caused so many feelings that are even hard to wrap our heads around.

Watching this film and sitting with my Aunt Yvonne knowing how she has always been there for us and been a champion for me even when I was young. She has always made me feel believed in… a lot like my Mom, she was such a powerful Christian and a believer in building people up to see all the things they can do. My Mom was always my hugest fan…  There was a long time when I wasn’t sure I was deserving of the praise she gave and her enormous confidence in I could do anything. I was her hero…she told me on so many occasions that she wanted to grow up to be like me… I always laughed, but she didn’t.

Mom new my potential and knew God had plans for me. She was my strength! She helped me to be a better soldier for God. She taught the power of God’s Word. She taught me we don’t always have to get it right or be anywhere near perfect. We have to strive for the best we can in everything we do; God will take care of the rest.

I now have Kimberly and our boys to give me strength and drive me to be a better man and a stronger soldier. God is our strength, but He did not intend for us to walk alone and that is why there are so many of us here walking the earth. We are meant to lift each other up and propel one another towards greater heights and towards the Kingdom.

Thank you Mom…. I am still learning more and more from you everyday. I miss you so much and love you completely!!! I couldn’t have asked for a better Mommy ever… You are amazing!!! You have made me the man I am today…given me the strength and the encouragement to grow and always seek more…where I am is never enough. God has more for me!!

And thank you, Aunt Yvonne for your continued support and being a strong Christian influence whom I can share and grow with. So proud of you and all the growth in your life…you are an inspiration!!

We get exactly what what we need; God knows what He is doing!

I needed to have that moment with my boys and family watching that film. Corey II enjoyed it as well and is so excited to take Mommy to see it…
It was exactly what I needed at that moment; it reignited my inspiration and lit a fire in my soul… Stay tuned… I’ve got so much coming your way

In business such as life, you’ve got to be willing to spit the truth… No need for frost and sugar coating things… Just tell it how it is. This has been a pet peeve of mine for years, a large part I attribute to Mom. But dishonesty to me is just cowardly and frustrating. On top of that, it takes work to keep up with. The best lie is always closest to the truth because you don’t forget the truth… Maybe you should stick with the truth…. Just sayin’

Many people for some reason struggle with this… doesn’t make sense to me.

Just call it how it is… especially in business; it just saves time and helps to get everyone where they want and need to be so much faster without wasting so much time and effort.

I deal with people all the time that just want to beat around the bush. You ask them a financial question or about scheduling details or steps in the so-called plan… To me, these are critical points to which beating around the bush only eats up valuable time hinders the overall progress of the business. Just get it out. Sometimes, with the fear of displeasing their partners or business associates, they hesitate to put it all out there as if it will somehow change why they are stalling. Trust me, it won’t!!

Just put it out there already so it can be dealt with appropriately and in a timely manner. The quicker that you get real about it, the quicker the conflict, deficit, or just overall shortcoming can be overcame or resolved.

Let’s get it done. Don’t be afraid… Just own it and build from where you are.

Yesterday I posted and kept y’all up to date with my thoughts and a play-by-play of my day…not exactly but I did well document my day in a way that was pleasing to me and I hope gave you some insight.

Although, I have no expectation of you to have done the same nor would it be reasonable of me to request such a thing, but what I will ask of you is, what have you done since midnight?

I, in no way, need a run down nor do you owe it to me, but you do owe it to yourself.

It is time to start holding yourself accountable for your time and your productivity. It is a new year and a new opportunity….every day is a new opportunity to do something different, but many of us are motivated to start in the new year doing something new, different, or better for ourselves…. Take that motivation and run with it. Get motivated. Get Cocky!

Your time is now…. There is no time like the present and you need to reach for more in your life and in your business.

You need some help, some guidance, or maybe just new perspective, hit your boy, Corey B. up, and I will happily help you get where you need to go.

You have such a bright future ahead of you if you are willing to take hold of where you are and where you are going… Are you ready?

Get ready and get there already…

Be accountable for your time and how you are spending it to get started and be on the right track in 2020.

And be sure to Subscribe with the button on the left or below to ensure you get all you can from my blog. Also look up Corey Bayless on YouTube for some more excellent content.

Till next time my friends, stay on it and Get Cocky.

Happy New Year to you and yours on this beautiful new day… I am lovin it here in beautiful Texas… Wherever you are, I hope you are loving life…if not, that is exactly what this is all about is Growth…

So many talk about reinventing yourself in the new year… I have always found New Year’s Eve to be such an awesome night to bond with friends and family and look towards the future… With that being said, it is not time to reinvent; it is time to grow towards the future. Where are you now and where do you want to be?

I hope among the hustle and the partying last night that you found some moments to truly reflect, but that time is not over. Spend some time today reflecting upon things and focusing on what you want out of life. As I said, I hope you are happy and loving life, but there is more for you… There is always more. God intends more for you then you could ever imagine.

So, what you have to do is stop thinking within your own bounds…. Stop allowing other people, society in general or even your own mind tell you what you can accomplish. Whatever you think you can accomplish is so incredibly small compared to you actual ability.

For your sake, do not limit yourself to what you can imagine.

I had a friend who asked me once, “If you are living the dream, what will you do tomorrow?”

I simply responded, “We’re in Texas… I’m gonna go home tonight and dream bigger… wake up tomorrow and live that dream.”

If you reach the point where you are getting all you wanted out of life, think bigger, dream bigger, and reach for more.

There are times in your life when you may need to reinvent yourself, your business, or just an idea or concept… A new calendar year is a new beginning and to me, is a significant point to which you should evaluate where you are and where you are going… what it is not, is a significant moment and time to reinvent.

Welcome to 2020… Let’s grow!


Be sure you subscribe so you won’t miss all this great content. Also check out Corey Bayless on YouTube as well as our Family Blog

I am building a brand and an empire… Another thing to work on in 2020…Shameless Self-Promoting… Don’t be afraid

So, today, December 31, 2019, at 1:52 PM, I have found myself amidst a plethora of thoughts and ideas whilst I continue my daily to-dos as well as the multitude of additions that have magnified over the past week. Ove the holidays, we had lots of family at the house and many of them stayed for a day or more… We always love our family being here; afterwards there is much more cleaning to be done, but all well worth it. This particular time, we had multiple family members become sick, most notably, our youngest son, Colton. Colton & Corey II almost never get sick, but the couple of times that Colton has gotten sick, it made up for the years of no sickness for sure…It gets serious. So while he has been sick, he has just requested for multiple hours a day that I sit with him, watch tv, read, or just snuggle… my little sweet boy, how could I deny a snuggle or veg-fest with my little dude. He just wants some Daddy-Time….needless to say, I have only gotten more behind on the work that I need to accomplish for my business as well as the work around the house. And on top of all of this, my lovely bride has been sick off and on as well and she worked ten 12-hours shift before Christmas because of changes at her job and a juggling of a new schedule; she got the week of Christmas off, but then had to make up for it, and has worked nearly every day this week including tonight which is New Years Eve…what a bummer…but she was here when all the family was here and she is a very wonderful and highly demanded nurse. She is great at what she does, and I am proud of her, and truth be told, people get sick even on the holidays… We need nurses every day so there are some days we miss her, and we suck it up. We are all proud of Mommy who works hard and does great things to hep other people in need.

New Years Eve is always a day I find myself with a lot on my mind; it was a day that Mom & I always saw as a new beginning…a day to do something great….not simple little resolutions, but serious change. It is just this perfect starting point to reflect on where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going… Mom truly made everyday special…and every holiday was a little extra special and New Years Eve, I always felt like she understood me and saw what I saw in it even though I have never really been able to put it into words…. We always spent it together as a family.

As I have been cleaning around the house and doing some things, there has been much on my mind about the future of my Family, the many plans and things we have under way and what we are working towards. I have also been contemplating the growth and development of my brand and where it is going in 2020. I have so many irons in the fire, it is time to level up and get branding already. Boom. In 2020, we taking Cocky to whole nutha level…

It is now 2:10 PM and I am going to be counting down till Midnight. I just feel the need to document this day… I hope you enjoy this as much as I do… but…. In the words of my boy, Drake, “If I was doin’ this for you, I’d have nothin’ left to prove, nah…this for me tho” Stay tuned.

Now 3:12 PM… I’ve gotten some cleaning done and realized just how much more I really want to accomplish… We have had this storage unit not far from the house for some time now which has housed some of my inventory and some old things of mine and Kimberly’s as well as a large amount of Mariah’s things from when she moved back with her mom. We have decided to no longer have this additional expense and rid ourselves of the unit and free up this needless expense… Well, we need to make more room in our office area as well as our garage for my inventory and find room in the house or garage to store Mariah’s things until we can get them to San Antonio….As my boy, Garrett knows, I always bite off more than I can chew and then fight to make it happen… We just say “Get Cocky” and reach higher than we outta…haha… Just a day in the life…

So, I have added some more cleaning and organizational projects for myself…. We will see where I get to today.

Now 4:20 PM my friends, and so much left to be done…. Already checked into our regular viewing programs and the boys are stoked to watch all the New Years Eve festivities kicking off at 7… less than 3 hours. Wish Kimmy would be here with us, but Colton is still a little under the weather… We are going to play it a little low key and just enjoy a few small sparklers if Colton is up to going outside later and indulge in some snacks and watch all the fun happening in NYC… One day we are totally taking the boys to watch the ball drop in person… but for this year, the TV will have to do… besides snuggling on the couch with my boys is going to be fun…Just hoping Colton will get back to feeling like himself soon.

There has been a huge shift in my business this year and looking towards the future… I’ve got so many things happening… Some I have divulged slightly and some I have yet to speak of while others have never changed…only grown such as my re-sell biz.

5:16 PM and we are still counting down. Closer and closer to the inevitable moment to which we kick off the new year. I have spent the day trying to get things done around here as well as squeezing in some work… all while being Super Dad and hanging out with Superman and Batman all day… LOL
This is truly the life… The life of your typical entrepreneur dad who happens to be the father of a couple of superheroes.

Still counting down…I hope I haven’t lost any of you…. Now 7:29 PM and since we are in Texas, me and the boys are watching the Steve Harvey countdown Live from Time Square…Saw some Florida Georgia Line and excited about what’s to come… The boys are excited although Colton still isn’t feeling well… My man is super strong like his Grandma… If you ask him, he is doing good and feeling fine… but he has suffered multiple coughing fits this evening. My little champ. I’ve done a little inventory organization along with my hustle. I hope you all are taking some time to enjoy life with your friends and family as I am but don’t let the hustle slip. Let’s hustle and grind into the New Year…

8:25 PM I’ve gotten some laundry done (I know….not exciting but for me it is therapeutic and it’s gotta be done) Got Colton’s Batmobile tent set up for the boys to play while we continue watchin Steve in Time Square. Had me some pecan pie and some Deep South Egg Nog with some rum, bourbon, and brandy… That’s what’s up…just a little toast to 2019… It has been quite the year… and it ain’t quite over yet… Still got time to make some more things happen … That my friends is the mind of a true hustler
I hope you’re partying and livin’ it up but don’t slow down the hustle… Keep up with your boy, Corey B and I’ll help you learn to do both.

It is now 10:44 PM…. I hope you ridin’ wit me… Me & my boys just bumped with Post Malone… That’s right… I got mad love for Post… Proud of that Texas boy… He has come far and still just bein’ Post. Got some more work done, got some food cooked for me and the boys… Still hustlin’ and getting some fun kick it time with my boys…. We rockin’ this New Years Eve and your boy ain’t stopped or even slown down my hustle. Look, I said in the beginning that this was for me… I just felt the desire to document this day, but if you’ve ridden with me this whole time, it ain’t like you ridin’ with empty hands… So, look… many times, I hear questions about how to get things done with a family or how can you really grow and develop your business with so many other responsibilities…. Or just a copout statement, “It is just too late for me; I am married with a family.” I have even heard people try to chime in as if when you have a wife or husband who take care of everything, then you can easily get it going, but they aren’t in that spot….they have things they gotta do… First and foremost, I want to squash the idea that anyone is in a sitch in which they get are absolved of responsibilities… That mess just isn’t real. I am not going to question or critique people’s choice of how they manage their life… But I will say that the Good Lord did not intend for us to raise a family alone… It takes two of us to make a baby and two of us to raise that family… I have totally documented my day including just normal daily tasks because it is important for you who have started a family or have other responsibilities in your life, that you can stay on the hustle and grind while getting other things done. In no way am I in this alone either…. Kimberly works hard and busts it daily to bring in her end and develop her career and continues to crunch the numbers for her plethora of clients as well which is her side hustle. You work together and grow your family and grow and develop your business and brand… Hit your boy up and stay tuned for so much more and I’ll be sure to let you know how.

Nearly midnight and kickin it with my boys…. I hope y’all are enjoying this with your family….I’ll hit you back after midnight, Yo!

Yo! Yo! Yo! Your boy, Corey B just rocked in the New Year with my two favorite party dudes!!! We watched LL Cool J take it back to that old school hip hop that we know and love….ain’t no doubt, he still got it…. Check out our YouTube channel for more of the fun and festivities….then we headed out back after the boys had to throw down some WWE in the living room ….We then lit up the sparklers….the boys just love those and with Colton feeling under the weather, a little low key was cool… I think we played this one just right…now the boys are watching Rescue Bots while I transfer a few files from my phone…Corey II is requesting we make another video before we wrap up the evening.

I’ll get this posted in just a moment and then I’ll begin the next post… I’ve got more on my mind and gotta put pen to paper and get these thoughts out while they’re fresh.

Stay tuned…and keep hustlin’ …

Happy New Year! 2020!

Get Cocky!!


Look what your little Corey is doing now. I got this. Just like you taught me; I am making it happen. I am building an empire for my family. You watched me every step of the way and saw each of my successes and failures even though you would never call anything I did failure. You would say I was just learning or there was something that was hindering it for now, but you knew I was about to overcome it. I can never express to you the magnitude to which you have inspired me or the depths to which you reached me when no one else could. You loved me and in everything I did, you supported me. There was struggles at times, but that was because of your love and protection of me… as a mature man, I thank you for all of that. But thank you isn’t enough… You made me, me.

You always told me that you wanted to be like me… You told me I helped you to know God on a deeper level… That was all what you taught me, Mom. I would tell you and you would never take credit. You taught me to love and know God.

You taught me to never stop reaching out to our loved ones and family even when they turned their backs on us. You taught me it was important to never give up. I have tried to stay connected to the family and reassure Jason that he is on his path and to stay strong and he will reach all of his potential like the good big brother you taught me to be. I have tried to be there for Kyla even though she has not really wanted me to be there; you know how that goes… I have picked up the battle where you left off. I have even tried with Gina and Bubba… They have not responded much. Tadpole stays in contact with me and who would’ve thought, Dad has finally gotten in contact with me. I told him everything you always wanted me to say. He was happy you said those things.

I miss you, Mom. There isn’t a single day that goes by that I don’t miss our phone calls. I just want to hear your voice. I remember you sitting on the edge of the couch singing your heart as you played records throughout the house. There has never been a sound so sweet. You were one of God’s angels that he allowed us to embrace and love, but he needed you back home, in heaven.

Mom, there are so many songs that have new meaning to me now… and movies that have a deeper impact me that they may have before… I take inspiration in my writing on a regular basis from the things that we shared as I was growing up. I think most people don’t even notice… But that always makes me smile because I know you would get the reference no matter how subtle it was.

There is a great quote that so many would recognize and catch right away. I have always thought it was such a powerful and beautiful quote; I think many would agree. This quote although it does not refer to a mom, but a friend… once I looked at life without you, I heard this quote, and it just hit me so much harder.

“I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still, the place you live in is that much more gray and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.”

You were more than just my mom… you were such an amazing friend to me as I grew into an adult and a parent myself. This world was truly so much more beautiful with you in it. The boys remember the things you taught them and we are trying to live the way you taught us and help to make this world around us more beautiful as you always did. You touched people in such a special way and changed them. We are trying to live in that legacy.

I love you, Mom. Kimberly and the boys love you and miss you as well. The boys require me to pray about you every night before bed and every now and then, they need an extra prayer because they miss you and the special bond you had with them.

You always felt as though didn’t do much with your life because of your health… you left a legacy on this world that many will never be able to match… something I know I am extremely proud of.

I love you, Mommy… and I am more proud of you than you ever knew. I will be talking to you again… later today. Never goodbye… talk to you later. Love you.


Perfection isn’t a destination… It is the journey. If you are seeking perfection before you get started, then what is the point?

When you really get down to it, the lack of perfection is the reason to get into the game… the things that lack in life, business, in your idea of joy…. This why to get into the game… Get in the game and make the difference.

Sometimes, you need to make changes in your life… most of us do at multiple points in our lives or we get stagnant or stale… You never want to feel that in your business or your life.

You have to take a moment and decide what it is that you are missing and what you need to do to make things different. What is it that you need to do, to change your life… to get back on the track that you fell off some time ago… or the track that you never had the guts to get on in the first place.

You’ve got it in you… no one is going to come in and do this for you… You’ve got to do it for yourself…

I’m your boy, Corey B. I am more than willing and joyful to help you get things going in the right direction.

I offer business coaching, consulting, and mentoring as well as life coaching and brand development. Feel free to reach out and let’s make a difference in the world… let’s start right here with you and what you are going through.

There are no limits that you don’t put on yourself.

Life and the world are not holding you back… You are… Are you ready to get out of your way and do what it takes… just marinate on that for a moment.


I just took a week to enjoy some very big moments in my life… I took the necessary time to embrace them for what they were and enjoy them. I took time away from the hustle and grind.

For those of you trying to hustle and grind and grow your business, this is a critical part that so many tend to overlook. There are moments in your life that make or break you…that define who you are. Do not be so consumed by your business that you allow these to pass you by; you will regret it.’

For me, this was such a huge and significant week. My Dad whom I have only recently reconnected with was able to come down and spend the week with me, Kimberly, and our wonderful boys. It was quite the week… This past Sunday was Mom’s birthday, so we held our 2nd Annual Birthday Bash in her honor since we lost her a year and a half ago. It was both weird and wonderful… we celebrated with an awesome taco bar, disco lights, some great tunes, and most importantly….lots of fun, family & friends. It is the way Mom always enjoyed her time. It didn’t matter how much she had or who you were, if you came by while she was grillin, you got a plate. She truly personified ‘southern hospitality’ in all she did. She was such a special person and that is how I try to honor her; we cooked up lots of grub and set a great mood… others chipped in and brought some food and desserts and things but all I really wanted was them to be here. I can’t begin to truly express my thanks and gratitude to those who showed up for me. And Dad travelled and had quite the journey getting here to spend the week with us.

We were able to share stories with Dad, bond over memories, and hear stories about his work and his wife over the years. It was such a therapeutic time to be together…I think it was that way for the both of us. As I am still grieving Mom, and he is still grieving his wife of nearly 30 years. It was good to hear about his journey with her and it was great to share about my journey with Mom, Kimberly, and our boys.

Corey II started school this week…such a monumental moment as he went to school and began kindergarten especially since he has only been with a sitter a few times. He goes everywhere with Mom & Dad; he always has. He was such a brave little dude and went for it. He was excited for school even though he was nervous to be away from Mom & Dad. He knew he would miss us as we knew we would miss him …, so, so much. My little boy is growing up. Whew… that is such a challenging thing to wrap my head around. My little Colton is still at home, but it has most definitely set in now that he is growing up too and will be going to school next year as well.

This week has been huge for your boy, Corey B. I am so blessed that I took the time out to really experience these moments and I hope that you can take away from this that same perspective… You need these moments. You will only get a chance at them once in your life…don’t allow them to slip by.

You know me, I will be sharing more about Mom, my boys, Kimberly and my family as they are so dear to me and influence all that I am doing. Stay tuned for more.

So for me, I am grateful for my week and my time off… but now it is time to get back to the grind and the hustle. I’ve got lots of big things happening. It is Friday, and things are live and in color… Time to Get Cocky and get back to laying those bricks… I’ve got an empire to build.